STRIKER BOX uses an embedded, heavy duty 14 gauge 2-part steel box, cut into the door jamb, and fixed to the wall stud by five 3” wood screws in perpendicular planes all stabilized by steel stabilizer screws. It looks just like a conventional strike plate, but underneath, it is rock solid to the wall. It wouldn’t be much harder for a bad guy to kick through the wall as it would be to kick his way through a door with a STRIKER BOX installed. This novel approach to the ultimate in door security is the recipient of two US Patents.
Watch below how STRIKER BOX enables a common medium security exterior door to withstand repeated blows from a lead battering ram at up to over 700 foot pounds of force!

Engineered & Tested
STRIKER BOX changes the physics of door security. It doesn’t just bypass the door jamb and attach to the studs in the wall; it increases security by hardening the components and reducing exposure to twisting.
When correctly installed alongside a deadbolt within a standard medium security external steel door, STRIKER BOX significantly enhances the door's resistance to forced entry, surpassing the highest ASTM industry standard of Security Grade 40. This grade signifies that a STRIKER BOX backed door can endure eight escalating levels of assault from a 99 lb. lead-filled battering ram, even enduring one final successive blow of 722 ft. lbs.!