Defend your doorway with STRIKER BOX

STRIKER BOX is a patented, high-security door strike plate engineered to obstruct forced entries and is easily installed on both door handle and deadbolt latches, maintaining a conventional look that complements any home—all at an affordable price.

The Strike Plate Problem

Doors have an inherent weak spot: the strike plate, typically a simple, flat, thin metal plate with two screws attached flush in a door jamb. In a forced entry situation, the strike plate is the first thing to be compromised. Even the strongest door is limited by the strength—or lack thereof—of the strike plate configuration. In this way, the strike plate is recognized as the weak link in the chain of door security.

The Crime Problem

  • 1,300,000: Approximate annual US residential break-ins through exterior doors, a historically consistent figure.
  • $2,000: Average dollar loss amount from residential burglaries, striking at the heart of financial security.
  • 17%: The percentage of US households with burglar alarms, leaving many unprotected.
  • 12 minutes: The crucial difference between the US average of 22 minutes combined alarm/police response time and the average 10 minutes burglars spend inside your home.
  • 83%: Percentage of US households with no security alarms, relying solely on the physical strength of entry points for protection.

The STRIKER BOX Solution

  • Patented door strike plate that greatly enhances security for exterior doors.
  • Made from heavy-duty, 14-gauge, two-part steel box, embedded in the door jamb and anchored to wall studs.
  • Appears like a conventional strike plate but offers superior strength against twisting and forced entries.
  • Exceeds the highest industry standards (ASTM) for impact resistance, supporting door integrity under extreme forces.
  • Serves as a deterrent to break-ins, increasing security which discourages potential intruders.